absurd meaning in Telugu - Mossberg
absurd meaning in Telugu - Mossberg
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English Definitions as well as Definitions for the word "ruinous"
It's absurd.
- Inspiring and disgusting the Synonyms: pathetic absurd
How stupid and incompetent can a passionate and loved one be, especially as he ages - Amazingly funny or shockingly hilarious or funny that resembles farce
The Synonyms: farcical absurd, absurd
- ludicrous green hair
The wild and absurd thrillsand the sexualityof clowns. - So absurd, it is that it draws ridicule
SynonymsThe word "hypothesis" means ridiculous outrageous, cocky and hilarious humorous, dumb, funny, absurd, bizarre, incomprehensible.
A contribution that is so tiny that it's absurd
A ludicrous attempt to reverse the pages of the past of humanity
Ask an absurd question and receive an untrue response
The idea of a common thread that ran through her boring childrenwas absurd
It is not true to refer to the cottage as the estate.
It's a fantastic concept!!
The ridiculous assertion that the pet ate all of his homework
Synonyms for absurd meaning in the language of telugu. Meanings that are absurd in the language of telugu.
pathetic, silly, farcical, ludicrous, absurd, cockeyed, derisory, idiotic, laughable, nonsensical, preposterous
English Meaning
ridiculous - Meaning in Telugu :-
(2) Why is it that (2)? point of paying these many dollars on the white elephant?
(3) They attempt look shabby in old shoes and clothes and look a bit ridiculous.
(4) 4. 4. Council declares that it isn't allowed to fulfill this function under the law, which is absurdity.
(5) Five. We're sure that this is a prank. It's absurd to believe that smokers receive greater breaks in the workplace as compared to smokers do..
(7) I am tired of hearing nonsense arguments about the history of tradition as well as freedoms of individuals.
(8) Are you find this to be odd to you? Jethro as like all great comedians makes life seem absurd.
(10) As it is possible to request a hefty rent increase , and you are entitled to the right to decline to comply with.
(11) The absurdity of ask that we allow asylum to those who want to destroy our society..
(12) The idea is absurd that a monument with such beauty has to be shut to the public for so long.
(13) It's fascinating to see that so many people think it's ridiculous that athletes earn millions of dollars.
(14) (14) thought it absurd to imagine that a child, who was only finishing their basic education would be sent to prison.
(15) She laughed when I said she had an obsession with one of her most famous friends who had a crush on her.
(16) This is a ridiculous way to discuss other issues that we could blame and even ban.
absurd - absurd meaning in telugu
1. laughable ::haasyaaspdmain
5. absurd: asbhykr
6. Unresponsible: stupid
absurd - absurd meaning in telugu
These situations are so absurd that it's hard not to be entertained by them.
to be to be ridiculed as well to be mocked to be mocked or mocked; absurd.
A humorous example of the word "humorous" in Telugu The Telugu Language.
Traffic jams are so absurd that I'm beginning to wonder why I even bother trying to get there for work..
This is definitely an incredible one.
We thought it was absurd to imagine an untrained young person just completed their initial education and was later sent to the prison.
You can oppose the increase in rent.
I informed myself that one of my most close friends was involved to me. She laughed and said it was absurd.
We don't know the amount we've paid for white elephants.
If he hadn't submitted an application for an award, the recipient would not have to submit a request for permission.
It's absurd to imagine that this could happen three times in the same.
Do you know any others who think this is perhaps a little too to be believed?
Because of the increasing costs, our charges will rise by one third. This is absurd.
It's ridiculous to keep this wonderful place shut for this long.
They try to wear worn-out clothes and shoes, and appear ridiculous.
The plan to name a street within Bradford in the honor of a flamboyant pink-colored bird were rejected.
Jethro like every great comedian make real life appear absurd.
I'm tired of the absurd debates over freedom of speech as well as our historical past.
The council says it's not able to fulfill this role due to the laws. This is totally absurd.
The absurdity of think that we should offer refuge to those who wish to destroy our society.
It's astonishing how many people believe it's absurd that people receive such a tiny amounts of money.
It's absurd to talk about all the other things we need to be accountable forand prohibiting.
It's absurd to believe that smokers have more breaks at work than those who don't.
The author captures the humor and humor of the text. However He also ponders serious issues such as the absurdity and terrible effects of old age, and the arrogance that is intellectual pretense.
Curry depicts Arthur in a hilarious and an exhausted uncle who is puzzledat the absurdity of his situation, yet smiles and is amused.
Charlie Chaplin pulled off some of the most outrageous actions. They seldom utilized camera angles to highlight their ' ridiculousness.
Telephone Booth is among the absurd concept films that appear to ridiculousto actually be real, but it actually works despite the absurdity.
He forced us to face the curse of fate and his ridiculousnessof life in a song of thirty seconds.
Being ridiculous means being an absurd or insulting thing that is often deliberately done to make people are amused or even draw attention. Sometimes, without intention humorous, they're deemed humorous and draw ridicule or praise. It is derived directly from Latin " ridiculosus" meaning "laughable", "ridiculus" which is "that which excites laughter" and " ridere" which means "to laugh". "Ridiculous" is an adjective that is a reference to "the absurd", is also used.
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English Dictionary: ridiculous Telugu Dictionary: ridiculous
The translation of the word"ridiculous" to Telugu which is the Telugu dialect. The spoken pronunciation of the word "ridiculous" either in English or Telugu
Keywords to the Entry "ridiculous".
What's absurd to say in Telugu. Examples of pronunciations, explanations, and examples of snarky terms that are commonly used to describe Telugu.
Learn further about the meaning behind an absurd word in the language of telugu.
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